Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I am soooooooooooooo happy!

Today I took Meigan to overbrook school for the blind for an observation and IEP. And guess what? M will be starting pre school there on Jan. 5, 2009 when she is 3 years old....Hip,Hip Horray!!!!! Another great thing today is that I got my car back from the body shop. Another Hip,Hip, Horray!!!!

Well gotta go.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Temper,temper little girl

Well I do believe that my darling little peanut is now showing a whole new side of her personality. All I can say is wow!! The past 2 days, when Meigan doesn't get her way, she has a major hissy fit. I didn't realise just how loud this little ball of energy can get until she got mad and started screaming. Calgon, take me away.( along with a stiff drink of just about anything).
Today's fit started when he got a bump on her jaw and she spilled her water. I took the little cup away because it was empty and she hat a fit. My mom and a friend of mine said welcome to the age of 3, it's worse than a 2 year

I hope she is better tomorrow. Well gotta go, it is getting to that time again when I must hit the bed for a night of restless sleep.


Monday, October 6, 2008


Well I took the car to the body shop $2000.00 in damage. Thank goodness I only have to pay $500.00 . Meigan is doing really good now with her eating, she has to work more on using a fork and spoon but other that that she is great. I still wish she would start talking to us. I am soooooooo frustrated that she communicates by only making noises. Well gotta go, I hear the little one giving daddy a hard time.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

crash boom bang!!!

Ok. R,M and I went out this past Monday to window shop for a bigger car for me. Needless to say, we came home with a Toyota Highlander. Today, was going tobe a wonderful mommy daughter day. Meg and I get in the car, I start it up and instead of putting in reverse, I put it into drive and smashed into the back of the house. The house is fine but now my newly purchased car needs some cosmetic surgery. Augh!!!!!! I can't believe how stupid I am. The gear shift is different than my old car and I didn't pay attention to which gear I was in. Meigan was unharmed but I am not feeling so good. I guess I have been very tense so my whole body hurts.
Any way, Meigan will be going to overbrook to be evaluated for mor interventions with her vision and development on the 15th of Oct. That's all for now.